Mothers Day

Mothers day

Societies around the world have their special way of celebrating mothers, but here, in America, Mothers day became a national holiday as a way to unify the still cracked nation after the Civil War. You see, even after the war was over, there were still remnants of the backbiting and resentment that resulted from the war. And finally, May 10, 1908 Mothers day was recognized as a holiday to remind us all what contributions mothers have on society.

It wasn’t until 1972 that Richard Nixon finally made Fathers Day a holiday to recognize the importance of what fathers contribute to families and society. You may have heard the term ‘nuclear family’. That term references a stable family unit which consists of a father, a mother and children. Each portion of which provide equal yet different forms of emotional, spiritual and physical support. Experts have proven that the most stable ‘family unit’ is one with a father, mother and children. Not the only family unit, just the most stable. The mother brings emotional support and nurturing to the children. The father brings discipline, protection and stength. The girls learn what a man is and what to look for in her future mate. The boys learn how to be men and how to care for their future family. This is not a slight on single parenthood, just that each parent brings different but equal characteristics to a stable household.

So why did it take 64 years after the implimentation of Mothers Day to recognize fathers? Why are there so many problems in society today? Why do almost all commercials of married couples show men as weak and dumb yet women as strong smart and dominering. Did the womans movement possibly go too far? Why are men finally walking away from relationships? Why is the MGTOW movement growing and more are more people are chosing to not have children? When government becomes a psuedo parent and takes the responsability away from the father, we end up with sperm donors that never have to take responsability for their children and children being raised by a single parent having to rely on the government to pay for their kids. We have a generation or two that were never spanked for wrong behavior and women that are forced to work two jobs or pump out more kids for more money which perpetuates the the problem created by the very government that claims to have the solution to the problem that they helped to create. The social experiment has failed and shouldn’t we go back to what we know works? So, to the fathers that take their responsability seriously, Happy Fathers Day. To the men that act like horny dogs and empregnate whatever wags their tail on them, grow the hell up, step up and take responsability.


I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s. I watched a lot of TV, some might say too much TV. One show I liked was the original Twilight Zone with Rod Serling. (When I was a kid, I thought his name was Rod Sterling). He would sometimes narrate the beginning of his show with “Imagine if you will…” so I want to try my hand at a short Twilight Zone type story. You have no doubt, heard of the Trump trial and Bidens son Hunter trial. Imagine if you will a society where it is not a matter of IF you will be hauled into court, but WHEN. In this future society, most everything you do or say is recorded in High Defenition. Your current cell phone is capable of recording this type of video and audio. The Prosecuting attorney never says what you are charged with, you are only picked up by agents of the court and taken to court immediately. Now, there are prepaid defense attorneys, or you can defend yourself. However, the prosecution team is notorious for being ruthless in court. No mercy offered and none ever given. So, you being responsible and performing your due diligence,  choose a defense attorney with a perfect record. You pay the monthly fees regularly and go about your day. You may even share the business card of your attorney to others and brag that this guy is great and never looses. Then, one day, it is your turn. You are snatched from your bed very early in the morning. You are taken, in your pajamas, directly to court where the prosecuter is smiling. He has a stack of papers on his podium almost a foot thick and plenty of video and audio tapes. You tell the clerk you have representation and want to make a call, but the clerk says that the defense attorney on your card is right across the hall. He offers to go and get him. You let out a sigh of relief as your attorney has a perfect record.  You stand at the defence podium and wait for your lawyer. He comes in, you recognize him as the guy on your card and you stretch out your hand to shake his and say
“Thank you Jesus!”
He looks at you, looks at his records and say
“Who are you? I don’t know you.”
You protest and say
“LORD, I went to your church, taught Sunday School, went on Missions trips in your name. What do you mean ‘You don’t know me?”
And he says
“I know you not. Your name is not in my book. I can not defend you. You are on your own”

Matthew 7:21-23
I Never Knew You – “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

John 6:40
Jesus said, “For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day”

So I asked God last night “Lord, do you know me?” Does he know you?

Be the bean


Who said breakfast needs to be a bowl of cereal and milk? This morning, I made my bride of 39 years a hamburger patty with cheese, hash browns with egg and Bush’s baked beans with strawberries all on the grill with coffee. Thank God for my cast iron skillet. And while eating breakfast, I was reminded of a story.

What kind of person are you? The carrot, the egg or the coffee bean.

Yes, you heard me right. Are you a carrot person, an egg person or the coffee bean person.

Imagine we are camping. It is time to make something at the campfire. I take 3 pots and fill them with water. Water as you know is life. The fire is bad times or of stress. The carrot is stiff, the egg has a hard shell but is gushy inside and the coffee bean is hard.

Now, the pots of water are boiling, and I put the carrot in one pot, the egg in the other and the coffee bean in the last.

Now, after 5 minutes, I take the 3 pots out of the fire and let them cool. Remember the carrot that was hard? It is now soft and the water is still clear. So a hardened person placed under stress can become soft and looses its original characteristics. Now the egg. It still has a hard shell but the gushy part is now hard and the water is clear. So someone who is soft and put under stress can become hardened and also looses its characteristics. Finally, the coffee bean. It is softer and its characteristics have been changed but the water was also effected by the bean. The coffee bean had as much effect on the water as the stress did on the coffee bean. A coffee bean person, under stress, is effected by the stress but has an effect on the world around him as well.

So, what kind of person are you when under stress? Do you get gushy and soft, hardened and bitter or do you take the stress and have as much effect on the world as the stress had on you?

Be the bean, not the carrot or the egg. Breakfast was great by the way.