I remember Mrs Ide, my 6th grade teacher. We were coming up to the point where we were supposed to do a report on a country. We had to do all kinds of research and put it in a report to share with the class. Each student would choose a different country, otherwise everyone would want Italy, Greece or France. On the specific day that the countries were chosen, I was sick so I had to choose from what was left. I had a choice between Russia the USSR or… Russia the USSR. This was 1973, so no computers, google or Siri. So I went to travel agencies, various libraries and the information in my personal encyclopedia. I learned more than Mrs Ide hoped for because here it is 2024, nearly 50 years later and I still remember much of what I researched and learned.
It was the time of a Cold War with Russia. Remember the James Bond movies like ‘From Russia with love’ or many others where Russia is the other enemy of freedom next to Spectre. One of the aspects of a Marxist society was the control of information. Pravda is still the governments sponsored media outlet. They report to the populace what the government approves. They would report that all Americans are evil, fat capitalists and that the Russial government is protecting them from the imperialism of America and Great Britain.
Now I see the same type of propaganda being created and spread by certain forces in America.
Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
So it is not just Provda that is spreading exaggerations, mistrust and flat out lies. I am old enough to remember when journalist actually reported news, even news they did not like. Now, most but not all so called journalists are not just biased, but downright willing to lie about the opposition just to get the attention of their fellow biased journalists. It is like they sold their soul to the democrats to get the attention, recognition and awards from other biased people. I heard them called presstitutes, selling themselves for gain. I have more respect for an actually prostitute because at least you know who/what they are.
In America, during WWII, there were cartoons like Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Popeye the sailorman and Walt Disney (who was pro America back then). Those were also examples of propaganda. Which begs the question, is it art imitating life or life imitating art? At the time, Germany, Japan and Italy were enemies of America. We were embroiled in a hot war with Japan to our west, Germany to our east as well as Italy in Europe. It was art imitating the sentiment of the country.
During the Vietnam War (police action) we had protests, sit ins, hippies burning their draft cards. There were anti war movies and many people that disagreed with the military action spitting on soldiers coming back from the war. Many in our country did not understand why we were involved including our politicians who handcuffed our military leaders so they could not win. Say what you will, art and media influenced American sentiment towards the war and many anti wa people are now in key position in government.
Back then, the media was TV, movies, newspapers and radio. But today, look at what influences people. News travels the globe in seconds. Everyone has a microphone, still camera and video camera built into their phones. Website and social media outlets can post people’s rather pedestrian thoughts and transmit them to the world in seconds. And look where people obtain their news anymore. A Chinese owned company called Tiktok, an extreme leftist organization called YouTube and Facebook. Even the right leaning Fox News (whose owner died and his left leaning kids run it now). New York Times, Huffpost, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, Politico, Time, NPR, Wall Street Journal and Newsweek just to name a few left biased outlets and Fox News, National Review, The Washington Times, The American Conservative, The Federalist, One America News Network on the right and almost no one that actually ‘just reports the news’ and doesn’t give opinion.
So what does it indicate to you when the FBI goes to Google just before the election and says there will be reports of the democratic candidates son who laptop was found and will be full of lies and not to report it AND censor anyone that even talks about it? Don’t you find that odd?
Can you prove a negative? What if you report that if a specific person does ‘this’ then that person will do ‘that’ and when that person did ‘that’ but did not do ‘the other’ it was because you warned everyone? Is it really provable? Or is it that the left is projecting themselves in their enemy?
While I was really mad at the situation at the time and I procrastinated when writing the report on Russia, I am grateful that I was forced to do the research of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic / Russia as it taught me the dangers of socialism, Stalinism, Marxism and communism. The leadership worked to dumb down the people and keep them uneducated and reliant on the government for their meager existence. They were useful idiots. So look at what is happening in America today. We have useful idiots everywhere. Men dressing up as women and demanding to be treated as such. Gay college students protesting Israel and supporting the people that would rather throw them off a roof or stone them instead of thanking them. We have people of black ancestry who has never been a slave, whose parents nor grandparent’s were ever slaves demanding that white people who were never slave owners, and whose parents nor grandparents were slave owners demanding reparations for slavery when half the country at the time was fighting a war for the freedom of people of black heritage. We have students who willingly signed a binding contract for a student loan who now demands that the government forgive their very expensive student loans just because… we have institutions of higher learning accepting hundreds of millions of dollars in federal monies and not teaching people ‘how’ to think but instead ‘what’ to think. People graduate from college and cannot get jobs or provide services to society other than needing ‘Cry rooms’ when their political candidate does not win.
People get upset with a red hat that reads “MAGA” or “Make America Great Again”. Well, as I see it, America isn’t that great anymore. The embarrassment of the way America left Afghanistan leaving anywhere between 100 and 300 military dogs trapped in kennels, billions of $100 dollar bills on pallets, billions of military equipment like modern helicopters, aircraft, trucks, armored personnel carriers and enough rifles and small arms with ammo to arm a country. Not to mention the many Afghan people that were assisting us when there left behind. An inconvenient truth is conveniently being ignored. We have law enforcement officers being defunded and attacked then being jailed or personally sued if they do their jobs. We have school campus’ becoming dangerous for people of Jewish ancestry to the point of physical attacks then being told to finish school virtually. We have oil protesters attacking commuters on their way to work or throwing soup on priceless artwork. New York is no longer safe for its residents as the district attorney refuses to prosecute murderers yet prosecute white people for misdemeanor or in Washington D.C. the January 6 people are being jailed and kept in solitary without legal counsel until they, after years in jail, agree to plead guilty to a felony when all they did was trespass (and it is arguable that they did that). All the while knowing no one was ever arrested for the BLM riots or Antifa riots where hundreds of millions of dollars of damage was committed yet no repercussions for that damage. When property taxes has gone up 40%, groceries are more, gas is more, visits to the restaurants are enormously increased, bank interests are increased and young people between 18 and 30 refuse to have children because they don’t see that it is worth the trouble. Tell me how America is still great? Tell me how America can survive with over 8 million additional illegal aliens on the taxpayers dole? Read Cloward and Piven on how to collapse a society by overwhelming it. I say George Orwells novel 1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual. How can America be great when schools stopped teaching cursive, arithmetic, American history, Civics, and how to think, not what to think. How can America be great when looser males can claim to be a girl then compete against girls and win then get trophies and awards? How can America be great when boys can demand to use the girls restroom under the law? How can America be great when girls are not safe in girls bathrooms and when a man claims to be a woman when being arrested so he can go to a girl’s prison then rape fellow inmates? How can America be great when a judge can violate the statute of limitations and try a former president based on the testimoney of a convicted liar who has admitted to fraud, theft and of purgery just simply because he is running against a weak president. This is the stuff of a Marxist society. This is the stuff of a banana republic. This is the stuff of a dystopian society. This is the stuff of a dying society.
What are we doing?

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