Freedom is an illusion

Too many men and women fought and died for American freedom. They swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America. That document was written to limit what government could do, not what citizens could or could not do. It took corrupted people to create a cancerous government designed to destroy freedom while creating a false sense of security.

When our founding fathers drafted the Constitution, it was to codify and acknowlege that human rights are granted by God, not governments. If your rights come from government, they can be taken away by government. If rights come from God, only God can take them away. The God given right to Life, Liberty and the persuit of happiness are naturally instilled in a persons spirit. Only by acknowledging God can man have true freedom. It took and still takes a corrupt and twisted person to ‘nudge’, force, or convince another person to give up those rights.

Ben Franklin is credited for penning “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”. Take a closer look at what he was trying to warn us about. If you willingly sacrifice your God given freedom for a little bit (incrimentalism) temporary safety, you don’t deserve your freedoms nor safety. Every law eliminates or limits freedom. Now, we have laws that are to protect your right to life by saying that murder is wrong. (Thou shalt not commit murder). Those are to build upon your right to life. But what happens if District Attorneys pick and choose which laws to enforce? That is not equal protection of the law. So in those cases, your freedom of life is not enforced. You have lost your right to life when crimes against your life are not enforced by the full weight of law.

Look at the seatbelt law. It is ‘against the law’ to drive without your seatbelt. You have lost your right to chose to drive without wearing your seatbelt. Whether or not you agree with the law, you have lost your right to make a choice. There are municipalities that have past a law to make it illegal to use plastic bags when packing your groceries at the store. It does not matter that almost all of your products are packaged in plastic, you can’t use plastic bags to package them to take home. Whether or not you agree with the law, you have lost your right to make a choice. Speed laws…the posted maximum speed in a given area. Believe it or not, the national maximum speed was 55 mph. Even if your vehicle could handle the speed, and you had a long stretch of road for many miles with no traffic, you could not drive more than 55 mph. Again, whether or not you agree with the law, you have lost the ability to make a choice.

There is a federal law, with the full weight of the Constitution that makes it illegal to come to this country without going thru proper channels. The country is soveriegn and if you are not a citizen, you must apply to come here temporarily and allow the government to know where you come from, where you are going and for how long and that you will not be a burden on the citizens of this country. But what happens when entitees that are mandated to enforce this law refuse to enforce the law? We have lost our countries soverenty.

Do you think you have a right to work? What if a business owner needs a person to help them run the business but is only willing to pay, say $10.00 per hour and that business person finds someone willing to work for that salary? That is against the minimum wage law. That business person must pay whatever the minimum wage is for his location. The business person and the laborer have lost the ability to negotiate with each other for a salary. Whether you agree with that law or not, the freedom to negotiate has been eliminated.

In the 1960’s, there was a short run British T.V. series created by Patrick McGoohan which he also starred in where an agent of a government was taken and placed on an island where the warden is trying to extract information from him. It is a psychological thriller where the basic framework of the series is based on the true loss of freedom and psychological reconditioning. The warden gives him freedom, but prevents him from leaving, no weapons of any kind, he is under surveilance 24/7, the warden controls what he hears, what information he can obtain, wear and what he eats, where he sleeps and what he can do all while claiming he has freedom to do everything. The name of this T.V. show was “The Prisoner”. The warden also never calls him by his name but only a number, number 6. The show implies that you live under the false claim that you are free, your freedom is an illusion.

Are you, as an American, free? It can be implied that we are more free than anywhere else in the world and we have the legal stucture to reclaim more of our freedoms, but we are not truely free. Try to ‘buck’ the system. Try to not pay your taxes, try to drive over the speed limit while not wearing your seatbelt. Try to take what is not yours (illegal but not enforced if you are of a certain skin color or a certain political group). Like the frog in a pot, incrimentalism lulls you into a false sense of security. Then, one day you realize that all of your essential freedoms have been taken away all for your safety or the safety of the planet or something else being blamed for the new laws that won’t do anything because those laws aren’t being enforced.

The death of a child is tragic. Any child. This may be a poor example, but read it carefully. A school is in a Gun Free Zone. It is already illegal to kill someone, to bring a gun into school property and there are even laws against discharging a firearm in city limits. When someone goes to a school to shoot people, that person or persons have already broken the law. So which new law will prevent someone from shooting people in a school? Do you think someone who is mentally defective enough to do that would stop if there was ‘just one more law’? Here is a truthism. Laws don’t prevent crime, laws give guidelines for punishment after the law has been broken. A police officer is not going to drive to your house and give you a speeding ticket before you even drive too fast. You get a ticket AFTER you have been caught speeding. But our most precious resource is our children. So then why are they not given the same level of protection as our politicians? Simple; they don’t want to solve the problem. Our politicians and members of the media want to exploit every tragedy to take more freedoms away.

Not all laws are bad. Our society has agreed that some laws are necessary. But the simple fact remains…every law, whether good or bad, takes away another freedom. How free are you, number 6? When will you realize that America is damn close to becoming a dystopian society? The book 1984 by George Orwell was a warning, not an instruction manual.